Comm-Port CPAS Area Scan UVIS
The Comm-Port CPAS area scan UVIS solution provides gold standard under vehicle and driver screening for Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM). Available in a variety of configurations, explore the comprehensive product range.

HH-300 Handheld UVIS
TechMondial's under vehicle inspection solution portfolio has now increased with the addition of the Flex HH-300 portable handheld under vehicle inspection system (UVIS).
This robust and reliable camera kit has been designed as a lightweight, low-power, handheld man-portable system for straightforward setup and ease of operation - delivering UVIS and UVSS capabilities straight out of the ruggedised case.

EST zNose Trace Detection
Electronic Sensor Technology Inc (EST) has developed and patented a breakthrough chemical vapour analysis process - trace volatile organic compound (VOC) detection. This process applies rapid gas chromatography (GC) calculations and technology towards a wide variety of industries, including Homeland Security, Life Sciences, Chemical and Petrochemical, Food & Beverage and Environmental.