Comm-Port CPAS UVIS with ANPR and driver image capture

Comm-Port CPAS Area Scan UVIS

The Comm-Port CPAS area scan UVIS solution provides gold standard under vehicle and driver screening for Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM). Available in a variety of configurations, explore the comprehensive product range.

Rapid Under Vehicle Screening Flex HH-300 Handheld UVIS

HH-300 Handheld UVIS

TechMondial's under vehicle inspection solution portfolio has now increased with the addition of the Flex HH-300 portable handheld under vehicle inspection system (UVIS).

This robust and reliable camera kit has been designed as a lightweight, low-power, handheld man-portable system for straightforward setup and ease of operation - delivering UVIS and UVSS capabilities straight out of the ruggedised case.

zNose Model 4650 Rapid Portable GC VOC Analyser

EST zNose Trace Detection

Electronic Sensor Technology Inc (EST) has developed and patented a breakthrough chemical vapour analysis process - trace volatile organic compound (VOC) detection. This process applies rapid gas chromatography (GC) calculations and technology towards a wide variety of industries, including Homeland Security, Life Sciences, Chemical and Petrochemical, Food & Beverage and Environmental.



University of Cambridge

Home Office


US Airforce

Royal Airforce

Ministry of Defence

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Cranfield University

Chattogram Port Authority



SAFA Telecom

MOD Turkey

TechMondial can support your Security Through Detection needs