TechMondial Threat Surveillance



The ability to monitor and detect potential threats before they manifest themselves is an increasingly crucial counter terror ( CT ) requirement around the world.


Vehicle screening is a key element of any security professional's project requirements, and is now routinely being installed in strategic facilities and premises around the world.


TechMondial provides a range of sophisticated, unique and high-performance products to enhance the security attributes of any installation, facility or zone.


These include hostile vehicle mitigation ( HVM ) solutions, Under Vehicle Surveillance and Inspection Systems ( UVSS / UVIS ), Automatic Number / Licence Plate Recognition ( ANPR / LPR ) and facial recognition solutions - all with digital video recording ( DVR ) over IP.


Military bases, ports, airports, palaces, strategic plants, embassies, consulates, precincts, and VIP residences are all reliant upon the proven technologies we supply - the Flex UVSS.


Bespoke threat surveillance and threat detection solutions are also provided for project-specific applications.


Under Vehicle Surveillance System UVSS:


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Under Vehicle Surveillance System ( UVSS / UVIS )